Tuesday, September 27, 2005

i remember..

3rd of my blog.. and i remember i have it. lets hope i will continue remembering it and it wont get lost in cyberspace. ppl often said i sometimes stop halfway through when i did anything is because i have a short attention span. and i think i agree with 'em.

today i went to an in-house training program. what i like about trainings is free food.. the downside of it is i often to sit through boring talks and speeches and i had to struggle to keep my eyes open.. while trying to keep my mind from wondering. but todays training seems to be interesting. but for free food.. and a time off from the office.. i'd sit through any boring talks and speeches anytime...

looks like another wet evening coming.. so gotta rush back home .. untill the next day.. or the day after.. or the day i remember to add anything of significant..

Monday, September 26, 2005

Testing .. testing.. 1.. 2.. 3..

woot.. my own blog. now i just have to figure out what to write. hmm.. not as easy as i thought. my previous 2 attempts at having a diary kinda went down the drain (the old fashion kinda diary where u actually have to WRITE.. magine that). the reasons being which, after two entries, my brain hit a brick wall... and while waiting for ideas to come and break down that brick wall.. (and it never did come), i kinda forgot i had a diary..
now.. i'm gonna try this the 3rd time. they say the third time is the charm, lets see if its true. bear with me now. i'm not the most witty of person, or the most technically savy, and ideas rarely come visiting me nowadays, so i guess there will occasionally be periods of 'defeaning silence' here.. (since learning the meaning of oxymoron, i'm loving it :P).
i'd love to play around with this some more.. but work calls.. pfft.